What is projective test?
A projective test is a personality test in which subjects are shown ambiguous images or given situations and asked to interpret them. The subjects are to project their own emotions, attitudes, and impulses onto the stimulus given; and then use these projections to explain an image, tell a story, or finish a sentence.
What is a projective test in psychology?
A projective test is a personality test in which subjects are shown ambiguous images and asked to interpret them. The subjects are to project their own emotions, attitudes, and impulses onto the image, and then use these projections to explain an image, tell a story, or finish a sentence.
What are projective tests used for?
Projective tests are used to measure personality. Subjects are shown ambiguous images or asked open-ended questions, and their answers give interviewers insights into the person's unconscious attitudes and beliefs.
What is the most famous projective test?
The Rorschach Inkblot Test is the best known projective test, and it is also the first test of its kind developed. Subjects are shown series of cards with inkblot images and asked what the images could be.
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